How many times a day do you have your ideas shot down with someone's "Yes but..."?
The best and fastest way to kill creativity and enthusiasm in a group is by throwing in a "Yes, but..."
It's amazing and sad to see how everyone shuts up, no one else dares to propose new ideas and the joy is swept out of the room, like a slow but sure leak from a balloon.
So, what to do?
Today I'm feeling particularly solution focused...
Rather than blame others for being negative, try yourself to say a lot more of "Yes and"!
For some ideas, check out this site:
The best and fastest way to kill creativity and enthusiasm in a group is by throwing in a "Yes, but..."
It's amazing and sad to see how everyone shuts up, no one else dares to propose new ideas and the joy is swept out of the room, like a slow but sure leak from a balloon.
So, what to do?
Today I'm feeling particularly solution focused...
Rather than blame others for being negative, try yourself to say a lot more of "Yes and"!
For some ideas, check out this site: